10 questions to a lawyer about Authorisation in the AIFC

Yekaterina Khamidullina, Partner, Director of AEQUITAS AIFC Branch Emin Nadirov, Junior Associate AEQUITAS Law Firm The Astana International Financial Centre (the "AIFC") offers companies a unique opportunity to work in…

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Standing Firm in the New Era and Scoring New Achievements to Usher in a New Stage of Foreign-related Legal Service

Today’s China wants to empower common development with rule-of-law and usher in the future with innovation and sharing. Focusing on the “two overall situations”, General Secretary Xi Jinping promotes the…

Комментарии к записи Standing Firm in the New Era and Scoring New Achievements to Usher in a New Stage of Foreign-related Legal Service отключены

Шынгыс Темир

Магистр права, менеджер по вопросам политики здравоохранения и доступа на рынок Рош Диагностика Центральная Азия и Кавказ. Специализация: государственная политика и связи с общественностью, регуляторные вопросы, право интеллектуальной собственности. Shynggys…

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An Overview of the Advantages and Drawbacks in the Examination Process for Medical Devices in Kazakhstan, and the Institution of Medical Devices Recognition in Georgia and Uzbekistan

Introduction Pharmaceutical companies are consistently developing advanced products designed to diagnose and treat patients worldwide. When a new solution is initially introduced to the market in the country of origin…

Комментарии к записи An Overview of the Advantages and Drawbacks in the Examination Process for Medical Devices in Kazakhstan, and the Institution of Medical Devices Recognition in Georgia and Uzbekistan отключены

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