Self-regulation of Legal Profession: New Challenges of Modern Time

Speech at the International Conference "Self-government of the Legal Profession: new challenges of our time" April 28, 2023. Free Legal Assistance SHYAM DIVAN, PRESIDENT-ELECT, LAWASIA (INDIA) Dr. Sholpan ZABIKH, Co-Chair…

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Committing criminal offenses against the sexual inviolability of minors in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the use of IT-technology is a modern challenge to society

Polina Voropaeva KIMEP Law School LLM Course KIMEP University 2, Abaya Ave., Almaty, 050010, the Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan, Abstract. The reason for writing this article was the…

Комментарии к записи Committing criminal offenses against the sexual inviolability of minors in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the use of IT-technology is a modern challenge to society отключены

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